Dental inlay restorations in MA can be an overwhelming and confusing process. Much different than a traditional filling, placing a dental inlay or restoring an existing inlay is a more invasive procedure. Here, we are providing you with an inside look as to why and how Prime Smile handles dental inlay restorations in MA.


What is a dental inlay?

To begin, let’s take a look at dental inlays as a whole. As mentioned, this solution differs from a traditional filling. However different, dental inlays are among the more common options for repairing decay or damage within the tooth. To make the best decision, one must first understand the differences between the two.

Inlays are a pre-molded filling that your dentist places within the tooth. Because an inlay is within, drilling the decay or damaged area first is imperative. Once the tooth is hollowed and clean, an impression is taken of the inner tooth to create a seamless fit with the inlay. Generally, inlays are made from porcelain or composite resin to closely match the tooth’s natural coloring.


The primary differences

When deciding whether an inlay or a traditional filling is the best solution, one must understand the primary differences. Below is a brief overview.

  • An inlay is best when the damage lies solely within the tooth.
  • A filling provides a solution for damage reaching the tip of the tooth.
  • An inlay always requires drilling to remove decay or damage, whereas drilling can sometimes be avoided with fillings.
  • Both solutions come in various materials.
  • Inlays require an impression be taken and sent to a laboratory. Fillings are performed solely within the office.


Do you need dental inlay restorations in MA?

While the differences may seem subtle, obtaining the best solution helps to ensure optimal tooth health. So, when it comes to deciding which is best for your needs, your dentist will evaluate various criteria. For example, is the tooth fractured or broken? Does the decay or damage extend to the tip of the tooth? How extensive is the damage or decay? And so on.


Decay and damage is not an uncommon situation. However, choosing the best resolution is imperative. To prevent further damage to the tooth, it’s always best to consult our team at Prime Smile. If you are experiencing pain or notice damage, call our office today for more information regarding dental inlay restorations in MA.

Contact Prime Smile Dental Group at (508) 481-8094 to schedule your consultation.



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