At Prime Smile, we want to ensure you have the best options available when it comes to your oral care. Transparency is vital when you’re making decisions about what treatment to choose. If you’re considering getting Invisalign in MA, choose Prime Smile Dental Group!
Here are four things to look forward to when you get Invisalign.
Easier Oral Hygiene
Compared to braces, Invisalign can be removed entirely to brush and floss your teeth. You can also clean your aligners during your oral care routine. This is an excellent alternative to braces since food particles and plaque can get trapped within the brackets. Another advantage is that you don’t need any special equipment to get in any crevices to clean your teeth like you would with braces. A lack of oral hygiene can lead to things like tooth decay or gum disease. So, an alternative to braces like Invisalign is great because you can clean your teeth and gums more effectively!
More Comfort
Braces tend to be uncomfortable due to the sharp ends on the brackets. They can scratch and irritate the inside of your mouth and lips, creating sores. There are also options to use wax to cover the edges of the brackets, but they usually don’t stay on for long. Invisalign is created with high-quality resin, leaving a smooth finish on the outside of the aligners, overall being less painful.
Increased Confidence
It’s hard to feel confident when you don’t love your smile. Though braces are used for health reasons, they’re also used for the aesthetics of having straight teeth. However, not everyone prefers the look of braces on their teeth, especially when it comes time to take photos or important events! Invisalign is a great alternative because they’re barely visible and go unnoticed!
Eat and Drink What You Want
With braces, you’re only able to eat and drink certain foods since the brackets can potentially bend or break. With Invisalign, you don’t have to limit yourself to certain foods or drinks because you’re able to remove them. This means you can eat things like popcorn, apples, sticky foods, candy, and hard and crunchy foods!
Looking to Get Invisalign in MA? Schedule a Consultation With Prime Smile!
At Prime Smile, we want to provide you with the best care regarding your oral health. Whether you’re looking to schedule a routine cleaning, dental implants, teeth whitening, and more, you can rely on our professionals! If you’re interested in getting Invisalign, you can contact us online to schedule a consultation or give us a call today!